In Christ our King we have been given so very much. Therefore, our vision of The Christian Centre is to be a company of people that are giving back to our community, giving back to our Tri-City region, giving back to the world we live in. We exist not merely to exist. We exist to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. We exist to make disciples of all nations. The church we see, must have a strong centralized commitment to develop a Kingdom culture of generosity that is effectively living-to-give cheerfully to the world we live in.
Lead Pastor
David is a passionate visionary for the Lord and His Kingdom! For him, this begins at home with his beautiful bride and family. He longs to see perpetual spiritual-climate-change througout the Tri-Cities of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, and the Regional area. His church ministry bacground spans over 23 years of full-time service in both Eastern and Western Canada.
The call of God upon his life is very "glocal" (local & global) in nature. He has ministered both nationally and internationally in Asia and Europe. He longs to have a Kingdom impact on every culture, nation,tribe, and people group.
Pastor David's enthusiasm and forthright approach to life and ministry as well as his passion for the fullness of the Holy Spirit and Spirit-filled living has been instrumental in the transformation of many lives. He has poured his life into equipping and mobilizing many from every generation who today are having global impact for the cause of Christ Jesus.
A gifted teacher and preacher of the Word of God, with an apostolic edge and a prophetic pungency, he has been greatly privileged and honoured to serve the Church that King Jesus is building for the advancement and establishment of His Kingdom in the earth!
Sue Chadderton
Church Secretary & Administrative Assistant
Sue is one of those lucky few persons born and raised in the Tri Cities area. She began attending CCC when her two boys were young and has served as the Church Secretary since 2003. Sue handles most of the administrative affairs of the Church and is involved in a variety of ministries.
David Park
Youth Ministry Facilitator
Worship Coordinator
Jin W. Lee
Pastor of Hosanna Hanin Community Church
Pastor Lee is a passionate man of God with a great heart for His Kingdom. He faithfully and fervently serves our Korean Community in the Lord's purposes and unto the Lord's vision.
Location: Costa Rica, Latin America & the Caribbean
Ministry Focus: The Heinrichs family spends time building relationships with local evangelical pastors and churches, organizing evangelical outreach events in addition to reaching out to the Indigenous peoples.
Ministry History: After pastoring in BC and Alberta, Gary and Kathy attended language school in San Jose, Costa Rica for one year. From there they went to Baja California, Mexico where they have served as PAOC Global workers for years. December 2015, Gary and Kathy transitioned back to San Jose, Costa Rica, where they continue this same type of ministry, including working with Indigenous groups. The Heinrichs feel privileged to be called to minister to the people of Latin America.
Watch this great video of the work they are doing
Location: Honduras, Latin America & the Caribbean
Ministry Focus: Since 2011, Kim has been serving with PAOC, first as an English teacher and now as Director at a training center for teenage girls in Trujillo (Tru-HEE-yo), Honduras. The Ministry Training Centre, founded in 2002, provides training for teenagers whose families cannot afford education beyond the sixth grade. The girls live at the Centre from Monday to Friday where they learn vocational skills, such as sewing, cooking, computers, business, and English. Graduates of the two-year program also receive sewing machines to help provide for their families. In addition, students learn the Bible and Christian values, and many come to know the Lord personally. The skills and resources these young women gain not only helps equip them for success in this life, but also impact them for eternity!
Ministry History: For over twenty years Kim has sensed God’s call to “the nations” and has wondered where and when the Lord would send her. After Bible College, Seminary, and 14 years of teaching ESL in Vancouver, Kim went to Honduras and has never looked back!
Location: Spain
Ministry Focus: After serving for 13 years in Armenia, the Steinfields have moved to Madrid, Spain where they are partnering with the Salem Churches. Mark will work alongside the Salem leadership to establish a Bible school and Kim will engage in marriage ministry. In addition to their ministry in Spain, Mark and Kim both serve on the Eurasia Region’s lead team. Mark overseas education initiatives in the region, and Kim provides member care for global workers. They have three energetic children: Alyssa, Madeleine, and Caleb.
Dale is ordained with the PAOC, and is the Executive Director of AsiaLink Canada, a Christian mission agency connecting our PAOC churches with ministry among the unreached restricted access peoples of Asia. We aim to provide an efficient and effective avenue to partnering for the greatest possible impact.
We firmly believe that God wants churches around the world to work alongside Him in fulfilling the Great Commission. We want to see God glorified among all peoples and a critical feature of our work is the investment we make in these congregations to awaken and encourage this vision.
This godly woman is serving among thousands of refugees caught in Central Asia. She will help in facilitating support for their physical needs, sharing the great gospel of Jesus, and discipling many who are embracing the hope Christ offers. She is an evangelist and invest time to respond do both the felt and spiritual needs of those around her.